Help - it doesn't work for me
At tbData we are proud of our reputation for building accessible and usable web sites. However, please let us know if you are facing any difficulties retrieving information from this web site. We give serious consideration to all such enquiries.
Why is the text on the site too big/too small?
This site uses "relative" font sizes. This means that they are based on the default font size set in your browser. In most cases, we haven't changed the font size from that default at all. As a result, if the fonts look the wrong size to you, it means your browser is not configured correctly for your eyes, your screen and your display settings.
It is entirely possible that you may not have noticed this before. This is because many sites use "absolute" font sizes - i.e. not related in any way to your settings in your browser. If by happy coincidence the fonts looked right to you, it is simply that the author of the site happened to pick a font size that you were comfortable with. Other visitors to the site may not have been so fortunate.
So how do you change the default font size in your browser?
The answer to that question depends on which browser you are using, but the following instructions should guide you in the right direction:
- Go to the "View" menu.
- Select "Font Size" (or similar - other common options include "Text Size", "Text Zoom" or "Zoom")
- Increase or decrease the font size as required.
In many browsers, if you have a mouse with a scroll wheel, you can also change the font size by holding down the Ctrl key (Windows/Linux) or Command key (Mac) and turning the scroll wheel.
Many browsers also have keyboard-only shortcuts for changing the font size, but this is different for every browser. More information, and detailed instructions for several common browsers, can be found on the www. Alternatively your browser may have internal help documentation.
How do I print a page?
To print a page, simply use the normal print function in your browser (e.g. "Print" under the "File" menu). The site will automatically format it for your printer.
Where's the printer friendly version
? That type of page generally contains no images or menus, just the textual content of the page. The construction of this web site helps to ensure such a link is actually unnecessary, so that technique is not employed here.